

What you do is what you do.


July 2015

MSD- a man of many masks

Why does batman wear a mask? To protect the ones he cares about from danger as he’s bound to make enemies. Similarly, MSD wears a mask of utter peace, which is backed by a calm rage, a subtle storm that’s raging inside. Not once can we see MSD emoting on the field, does it mean he’s emotionless? Does it mean that he has no feelings? Absolutely not, feelings are one way to expose yourself to a whole new range of artillery called emotional attack. Prying on emotions, calculating feelings has become a new age technology for finding out what one is thinking about. A leader of MSD’s caliber knows better than to unnecessarily emote, his face gives away nothing, for all you know he may be breaking on the inside, filling up with anger, sadness, happiness, but you will NEVER truly know, for its the mask of utter nonchalance that characterises what dhoni is made of. Nerves filled with fighting spirit, eyes determined and sharp that one gaze and You’ll be split in two, a calm that blows like the storm, looks like the spring, a face so expressionless that’ll have you guessing your guts out, this is what MSD is made of.
It is funny that I started of by taking batman as the example to elaborate on MSD, because MSD and batman have so much in common, just as batman saves the day, and when all goes down takes the blame and still remains the same, just and strong as ever, it is the same as far as MSD Is concerned, limelight has never interested the man, sometimes it makes me wonder whether he’s a man or a saint dressed like a cricketer? How can someone be so selfless? Gives it all when the chips are down, takes the burden of criticism on his shoulders, wins matches singlehandedly and still is called SELFISH. One can never see MSD on the frontline when the team wins, but, when the team loses he steps up casually, takes the blame and rubs it off very coolly.
Finding people like Dhoni is very difficult, giving it everything he’s got for the team and not expecting anything in return. He’s not just a captain, he’s much more. An inspiration, a celebration, an era of amazing captaincy has been woven into the very fabric of cricket by MSD. His legacy will be etched on golden tablets and will be publicised for years to come, but still even then, you can’t expect a reaction from Dhoni. He’s not just a captain, he’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a dark knight.

Baahubali- The Beginning 

     BAAHUBALI- an epic of epic proportions! 
With an exorbitant budget, the question in everybody’s mind is, “has it done justice to the amount of money that has been spent?” The answer to this question is a strong YES. 

Making period films is a Herculean task, but it seems like rajamouli’s forte, all of us saw magadheera, all of know how we felt after watching the movie, it is safe to say that SSR has put in 500% more effort, time and thoughts into baahubali which comes together beautifully to give us a visual treat. 

What usually is the problem with period films is the lack of attention to detail, but in baahubali’s case everything has been followed to a T. A galaxy of a cast, so many stars, so much experience and managing all that is the next problem, but that didn’t seem to be a problem as far as baahubali is concerned as everybody complemented each other so beautifully. Be it prabhas and rana’s macho body, tammanas beauty, ramyakrishnan’s boldness, Nasser, anushka, Prabhakar and sathyaraj’s acting, they’ve come together in perfect balance to bring out the best in each and every one of them. When you are making a period film, attention to detail is the key to success. In bahubali, no expenses were spared, right from costumes, locations, sets, no stone has been left unturned. The next biggest plus for bahubali is the visual effects complemented by maragadha mani’s soulful music which gives a classy touch to the picturesque sequences created by SSR. Peter hein demands attention for his amazingly choreographed stunt sequences, especially the war sequence in the climax, which has the audience awestruck and dumbfounded. There were a few illogical scenes, but then Indian cinema and logic have this inseparable love story, so it doesn’t really affect the movie. To be very frank, the story is a bit cliched for a period film, filled with Romance, revenge action and drama, the story isn’t one that’s unheard of, but what makes it click is the screenplay which has the audience expecting what’ll happen next very very eagerly. As far as people are concerned, bahubali has captured all the essence an Indian film and a high budget film require. This movie is also a treat for the critiques as every detail is accounted for and the Visual effects teleport you into a different world altogether. To put it in a nutshell, “bahubali- the beginning” of the best for SSR. Eagerly waiting for the second part. Worth every penny spent. Thank you rajamouli for showcasing history with such grandeur. 

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