Media, a weapon for the masses to express their feelings. A tool that is supposed to increase accountability of the politicians. An entity, if pure, is the strongest platform for people to voice their concerns. But, what has media become lately? It has become a sea where positive news is like bubbles which never surface up, and negative news is like a tidal wave that has the maximum impact. We are being mislead to believe that the only news is negative news and hence negative news sells best as the title says. How has this affected the society? To answer this simply, let’s take an example, if you ask people who nithyanandha is most of them would know as he was involved in a SCANDAL. But if you ask people who kailash sathyarthi is most people would not know as he’s just a mere NOBEL PRIZE winner. The media projecting negativity in the spotlight has made the society more pessimistic as a whole. We don’t want a pessimistic society, on the contrary we need a more optimistic approach to the way we handle things if we’re to achieve something. There’s only two types of news, the real one and the sensational one and more often than not, the sensational news is the only news that gets telecast. In order to achieve exorbitant sensationalism, the methods media resort to are very very hurtful and infringes on the privacy of the victim. For example, all of us know the nirbhaya case, in lieu of digging deeper the media in the name of enquiry, interview, interrogation and what not, asked the family so many private questions that the dignity of the whole family was lost in the process. Who is accountable for that? We can’t arrest the media and put them behind bars nor can you suspend media rights as India being one of the largest democracies in the world HAS to give right to freedom of expression as that is the very pillar of democracy. Where do we draw a line to all this? The more pertinent question is, how do you draw a line to all this? If we let this continue, in the near future, we’re going to have a society that is so pessimistic that positivity and optimism will become extinct.