There are certain question that haven’t been answered for a long time. What is happiness? Who is truly happy? What does one need to do in order to be happy?

So let’s begin with the definition of happiness, is there a specific definition for happiness? Happiness is subjective, it is subjective to the individual. What brings happiness to me may not bring happiness to others, hence there’s a lot of conflict of interest, sometimes within ourselves as well.
So coming to the next question, who is truly happy? Well, from the definition of happiness it is evident that a conflict of interest arises with respect to the definition of happiness, well why does a conflict of interest arise? It’s because of the fact that what I want may not exactly be comfortable to others, hence if one wants to be happy forever, he should want NOTHING. He should be free from desires and wants for that’s when he becomes truly happy. When one person can quell the conflicts of interest within himself, he becomes happy.
How can one find this happiness? Well there’s an age old saying, “money can’t buy happiness” well that is cent percent true because nothing can BUY happiness. Happiness can be found if one can manage his socioeconomic discrepancies and manage to be happy with what he has.
Hence, the pursuit of happiness is like a pendulum without any resistance, it will never stop until you stop it by yourself. Happiness can never be found if there’s no satisfaction, for satisfaction means happiness.