The greatest reality check every sportsperson has to undergo is, being compared with himself or herself from a point in the past when they were revered.
Dhoni is no exception to this scrutiny.
From being called the best finisher of the game 2 years back to being criticised for not being able to finish the game for the team dhoni has seen it all.
Let’s put this in perspective and look at it practically.
Dhoni has finished and won us so many games singlehandedly. He has a 50+ average in the ODI format and has scored 6000+ runs, all this whilst predominantly coming to bat at 5. Dhoni’s batting has slumped, agreed, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the ability, it just means he’s getting old, with age performance falls, this is the ultimate truth.
But, if you look at running between the wickets, he is second to none. Can you name a keeper in the world of cricket who can confidently say that he can remove the bails faster than my captain? I bet my life that you can’t find a keeper who says that.
Finishing games, keeping, captaincy, this machine has taken more wear and tear than any other and still functions reasonably well.
I see many people saying Dhoni should retire. He should bid adieu while he is still respected, he shouldn’t stay until his respect wears off. But, you forgot that Dhoni is the most selfless player. Until he finds some resemblance of himself in someone else as a finisher, he is not going to retire. I mean why should he? Is there a finisher in the Indian line up who can challenge this man? Let alone during his prime, even during his lean patch, bowlers get threatened by his mere presence, because his legacy and stats speak for itself. He is constantly thinking of how to develop the Indian team and yet some deluded people call him selfish.
Him raising the bar too high, finishing impossible games with such ease has left him in this precarious position where hypocrites are waiting with open swords to cut his reputation down and yet, this man smiles, rubs it off and sweats it out in the field, you know why? Because he is MSD, records don’t interest him, but winning a game for his country gives him the ultimate kick. So my dear Dhoni haters, understand this properly. Dhoni is human too, he ages in just the same way that you do. He also feels tired. But, don’t worry, he doesn’t give lame excuses like you do. He will up his game and will give it his all because he is the watchful protector, the dark knight.
Don’t worry my captain. You will be loved forever, by me and all the reasonable people in the world❤️