Certain things in life can’t be explained in a statement, can’t be defined with mere words, phrases and expressions they have to be felt, enjoyed, cherished only then can one understand it’s true value and importance. Music is one such thing. Immortal life, innumerable forms, it is nature’s way of communication. What’s dazzling is the fact that music is able to reach everybody irrespective of caste creed religion and race. Music is universal. Music is equal. Music is ultimate.

What’s more interesting is the fact that music reaches farther and deeper than words can ever do. Music has certain elements that make it invincible. Music can’t be destroyed. Everybody who is born on this planet would be surrounded by some form of music or the other. Any form of sound that makes you react, gives you expression, is capable of reaching of your heart can be called music. A crying baby, a rocking chair, a chirping bird, a wave crashing down on the shore, a whistling old man, an engine revving away to glory, everything is music.
Transcendence of barriers, eliminating loneliness, putting an end to silence, music tends to achieve all this with relative ease. Music also has this compatibility factor, music can be created with anything ranging from a paint bucket to an acoustic guitar which again makes music universal.
Conflict of interest, nothing can be universally accepted or at least most of it, but music is present everywhere, nobody can restrain music from reaching people and presenting itself in amazingly vivid ways that it lies beyond anybody’s imagination.
Music is immortal because of the DARWIN nature of music, constant adaption, infinite survival and immaculate upgradation.
Music is celebration, bliss and happiness presented together to us by nature. All it takes is a peaceful heart and a beautiful soul to appreciate the deep and intricate art that music is.