Disclaimer- Heart patients and pregnant ladies, refrain from watching this movie as it will make you laugh your lungs out, which could result in internal haemorrhage and death.

Spoiler alert- Well the movie has been spoilt enough by mani Ratnam so there’s not much I can spoil for you, unfortunately.

Male lead of this movie, VC(Varun chakrapani, also read as very chauvinistic) is a horny, narcissistic yet a talented Air Force pilot. The female lead, Leela Abraham is a caring, passionate doctor who holds her self esteem very high and is a strong feminist who believes in equality.
Yes polar opposites, yes I can hear you asking, how do they even love each other? Well, believe me I asked this to mani Ratnam throughout the 139 minutes of the movie.
So, moving onto the plot. VC meets with an accident and Leela saves his life in the first scene. They both dance with each other in the second scene and sparks fly in all directions, unfortunately not into our eyes because if it did we would’ve been spared of all the horror that is to come. He takes her on the plane above the Himalayas in the third and if you’ve not guessed what’ll happen next, then you don’t deserve to watch Tamizh films. Chemistry. Yes a chemistry develops. That chemistry pushes them to insanity, or what they call love. They fight in the face of an incoming snow storm because as I said, “chauvinist + feminist = boom!”, but wait, the next minute they confess their love for each other and spend the rest of the duration in the car bracing the storm, “embracing” each other.
After that it’s a just a emotional cradle rocking back and forth, putting us to sleep. He is unsure about her in one scene and wants to marry her in the next, she has to accommodate all his dumbassery because of the “chemistry”. This chemistry leads to a bit of biology and she becomes pregnant, he shies off responsibility as he is scared that he won’t be a good father, a good husband, yes a bit late, what to do and she walks of saying I can take care I’m a doctor like she has a common cold.
The next scene he flies off to fight Pakistanis in Kargil and she tells him she’s leaving Srinagar. The plane is hit with a missile and he is taken as a prisoner to a Pakistani jail. Where he reminiscences all this and regrets, again, too late.
He then plots a way to escape, think shawshank redemption, prison break and all that with a lack of imagination. He escapes the jail only to be caught at the Afghanistan border, he then blasts his way out from there and in a Vijaykanthish climax he highjacks a truck and breaks through the barricades and enters Afghanistan and eventually India. He is conferred with a medal. Now he comes back to the main plot, the emotional cradle. He goes in search of Leela, his sources tell him that she might’ve joined Red Cross, he hops from camp to camp in search of her only to sit deserted in a desert where magically there happens to be a Red Cross camp and even more magically, Leela is there. She sees him, hugs him, introduces him to his daughter, which doesn’t look like his daughter at all, sorry Ratnam jii, bad casting. Then it’s a barrage of tears for the trio and a sigh of relief for the audience as that’s where the movie ends.
Now the casting, Mani Ratnam has gone bonkers, from being one of the best cast introducing directors to this, it’s just unbelievable. Casting rj Balaji as an army doctor is the epitome of his casting prowess. The cast has no real role in the film except filling screen space. The movie revolved mainly around those two and those two revolved around VC. That is how the movie progressed.
I don’t understand Rahman’s role as all the songs are exhausted in the first half and the audience in the second.
To put it simply, if someone asks you if katru veliyidai is watchable, tell them It is only watchable as the location and cinematography is beautiful to watch, but if you try to understand what goes on, you’ll go mad.